Earthley Herbal Throat Spray - 4 oz


Herbal Throat Spray uses simple ingredients that are great at fighting and soothing sore throats, maintaining health, and fighting viral colds to help you recover quickly. Enjoy the gentle, numbing relief and pleasant taste of our herbal spray.

Peppermint is rich in natural menthol to help cool a sore throat. Echinacea, elder flower, and lemon balm are all anti-viral and immune-supporting herbs, plus mullein is great for respiratory support. It’s the perfect combination to naturally soothe sore throats!

Keep this on hand for easy access when your kids come down with a sore throat or cold!


  • Helps relieve sore throats

  • Antiviral and immune-supporting herbs

  • Naturally cooling

Safe for ages 1+. Shelf life: 2 years. Use with caution if pregnant or breastfeeding. Peppermint could cause contractions or lower milk supply in some women.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure anything.

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